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Orthopaedic and Spine
Product Development Consulting



 Surgeon ideas are the heart of our industry.   If you are ready to take the next step with your idea and find an industry partner please contact OrthoTank first for a free consult.  There are specific steps you should take to maximize your odds and valuation.  


OrthoTank can provide everything needed to jumpstart your product development.  Our services range from simply providing some extra design horsepower to building an entire R&D department from scratch.  



Established companies,  even the majors, sometimes need a little help too.  If your staff needs extra resources to deal with an unforeseen problem or get a project back on track, OrthoTank can help.


Services include finite element analysis, mechanical testing, quality systems, 3D CAD modeling, worst-case analysis, GD&T, independent engineering review, IP creation, metrology, prototyping, design controls, risk analysis, surgical technique design, design for manufacturability, instrument design, cadaver labs, recruiting and managing surgeon design teams, failure analysis, etc.



Michael Landry

I've been working as an independent consultant in the orthopaedic and spine industries for nearly 20 years with responsibilities ranging from basic design to the VP of R&D.   I am a named inventor on approximately 70 issued patents and more are pending.  The majority of my experience has been helping surgeons and smaller companies move their projects forward.  Whether managing a small project or a large team, I have always been a "working" engineer and my technical skills are sharp.  

For More Information Contact Us

For a free one-hour consult, send a message below or call and we will get back to you ASAP.

Non-Disclosure Agreements available if needed. 

Austin, Texas

Tel: (512) 763-2235

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© 2017 by Kohara, LLC d.b.a. OrthoTank

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